First Day

Welcome to your English 2132H course! I hope this semester will be both fun and challenging for you! Your professor's name is Dr. Matthew Horton (that's me!), but you can call him Dr. H. I have high hopes that this semester will help you improve your skills as a college-level reader and writer.

Click on these icons and see what you can do! This course is about reading great literature, sure, but it is also about using technology to help you discover new possibilities. So some of your assignments will be PAPERLESS! This might be a little scary for some of you, but I assure you, the skills you'll learn will be just as important as effective reading and writing!

Also, go ahead and look through some of the most important resources on this course website:

Read the syllabus
Check the agenda
Using Google Drive

Additional resources are available by clicking the tabs across the top and various links in the right-hand margin. As much as you can, familiarize yourself with this course website. My contact info is in the right-hand margin at well, towards the top. Also, see the Facebook link? Visit our course page and "like" it!