- To stay focused as you read so you can recall things for class discussion.
- To record specific details for use in your assignments.
- To collect quotations for quote responses.
- Be in class to discuss the reading!
- Take at least two full pages of notes before class begins--these notes must show that you took notes throughout each reading assignment for that week. Use the space wisely and completely--too much white space makes your notes incomplete.
- Write down examples of literary terms, images that are packed with meaning, memorable lines and passages, confusing expressions, compelling themes, questions you have, character dilemmas, conflicts, writing style descriptions, etc. Really, you need a mixture of the above items, not an exclusive focus on any one thing. DO NOT summarize what you are reading; instead, select what is interesting and important to you, what you would bring up in class to discuss. Your notes must reflect that you read the ENTIRE portion of pages for that week.
- Make sure your notes are organized and readable. I don't mean "pristine"--don't rewrite them or anything, but don't just scribble meaningless phrases everywhere. Use page numbers for stories. Everything you write down should be associated with different quotes from the work, so write these quotes down and then write down your associated ideas. Give your notes some structure so they are not just one big mass of words. Use underlining and boxes to emphasize and separate ideas, for instance. Your notes should show that you are thinking actively and making connections between stories.
- Turn these notes in at the beginning of class for me to evaluate.
- Put your name, date, and the name of the reading assignment at the top of the first page.